The characters from Scandalous Lies are wrapped up in a huge mystery which sees them fighting for their lives and, of course, jetting off around the world to try and find some clues that could maybe save the day…
Just one of the most magical places on earth. I adored India and the tranquillity and the beauty of the Taj Mahal will stay with me forever. India is such a friendly, heart-warming place and a total assault on every sense. The smells are spicy, the colours are vivid and lush and the temples are places of wonder, romance and tragedy. It seemed the perfect place to send some of Team Scandalous.
Hurray for Hollywood – the most famous place for celebrity glamour on earth and the city where Nova Chevalier, reality TV star of this novel, really gets to shine. She and her media mogul husband, Jacob, are LA royalty and every designer shop and chi-chi restaurant is theirs for the choosing. Doubtless Nova would have her own star on Hollywood Boulevard.
The Mexican city full of madness, crime, history and scandal. The perfect place for one of my novels to be set. I went there years ago and loved it. It’s such a vast place and hugely busy, but you always have the feeling that there is a tale to be told around every corner, as Georgia and Charlie found out in the novel.
Five star luxury in the Atlantic Ocean. Yes please! When Evie and Victoria escape the heartache of their lives, Gran Canaria is their chosen destination. It’s a place I adore and have visited countless times. Lying under a canopy of blue sky, the sun tickling your skin and feeling the sand between your toes. Sheer bliss.