I love being a TV host. Since I started on TV I have presented thousands of hours of both live and pre-recorded TV as well as outside broadcasts. I have been featured on ITV, BBC, Channel 4 and C5 and have also broadcast live from America. I love the buzz of TV – always have! My main body of work on telly has been presenting on the amazing Create And Craft TV, the UK’s most successful craft channel. I am more than happy to spend a lot of my life surrounded by glitter and glue. Being at Create And Craft TV allowed me to launch my own craft range called A-May-Zing through Crafter’s Companion and also indulge and share my love of upcycling plus I have been named the winner of the Male Personality category in the Best Of Craft Awards.
I’ve had all sorts of wonderful presenting jobs including being a film critic and a TV bingo caller and I’m looking forward to loads more! Plus I was a finalist on Pointless and The Weakest Link.
Why not check out my presenting wish list showreel here.